What we are known for.


Alanna’s designs interiors with an immersive approach, in depth and layers.
She uncovers and illuminates the story of a space’s inhabitants, bringing new life.
It’s all about seeing the future life hidden in your space and caring that it reaches it full potential. When it comes to interior design services, a picture can tell a thousand word, so be sure to visit her past projects.



Experience and established industry relationships

One of the critical ways that project management affects the overall design process is by establishing vibrant objectives, aims, and timelines for the project. This helps to ensure that everyone involved in the project is on the same page and that the project stays on track.
Our team is well-versed in managing projects with expertise in:
Defining the Project’s Scope
Understanding the Client’s Needs
Understand the Regulations and Building Codes
Understanding the Materials and Products
Managing the Subcontractors
Budget and Cost Control



The details that tell the story

Starting with people’s cherished treasures, Alanna artfully incorporates rich materials like velvet and silk, complemented by natural elements such as rattan and bamboo. Bold patterns, captivating prints, and a colour palette encompassing jewel tones and earthy hues infuse the design with energy and depth. Through layered textures, statement pieces, and intricate details, Alanna enhances visual interest, while blurring the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces to create a truly relaxing ambiance. Her signature style represents a harmonious fusion of New York modernism with tropical allure, captivating the senses and inspiring an oasis of sophistication.